вторник, 22 августа 2017 г.

Simple writing

It's a simple formula really - I'll tell you exactly how it works right now... 
Step #1 - You write a 500 word article on a topic of great interest to a targeted audience and then...
Step #2 - You get a few of the tens-of-thousands of ezine publishers on the Web (who by the way need articles desperately) to run your article to their thousands of subscribers. 
Step #3 - Of those thousands of people who see your article, some will click on your link at the bottom of the article, visit your website, and purchase your products (or earn you commissions by purchasing other people's products through your affiliate links.) 
What makes this system even more effective is that, in many cases, website owners will also post your article to their websites (they're hungry for content too!), the search engines will index those pages, and you end up getting traffic for months -- sometimes years -- after you initially publish your article.

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